Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hot News Of Anushka

Do you know that the famous and glamorous actress ANUSHKA has got married allready. And she has childrens.
THis is the news from Andra Pradesh.

More news will be soon..

Saturday, June 26, 2010



India got her independence in 1947. Our country faced many problems during the British rule. The British exploited the Indian resources for their development and progress. Some of their policies encouraged communalism in our country. It resulted in the division of India into India and Pakistan. Education was not provided properly to the Indian. Even though our government has taken many steps to eradicate the socio-economic problems of India, still we face some problems like communalism, casteism and anti-social practices.


A great hindrance to democracy is communalism. Communalism means placing one’s own community above, even above the nation. This feeling destroys the unity of the country and retards the progress of our country. The partition of India in 1947 was the result of communalism. There are people belonging to different religions in India. In fact the richness of our culture is the result of diverse religious communities. Our cultural heritage is seen in our monuments. The monuments like Sanchi Stupa, Ajanta and Ellora Caves, our famous temples all over India, the famous Taj Mahal and the melodious music of the North and South belong to people of different religions. When we look at any monument we do not think of the community to which the sculpture belong, but the magnificence of the sculpture. From the ancient period we find that we have developed a secular outlook. But today communal unrest sadly disrupts our lives. Education is the best way to eradicate communalism. Education creates a feeling of brotherhood among the people and fosters nationalism. Open University Scheme has been implemented by the Universities to educate the interested mass. Radio, Television and Newspapers play a vital role in the spread of mass education through various programs. The government is trying to spread national integration through television and other mass media.


Casteism is another major problem in our country. In the beginning, castes were formed on the basis of occupation. In course of time, this became hereditary. Slowly casteism became rigid. This has created many problems in our country. This poses a serious threat to national integration. It also proves to be a serious impediment to the progress of our country. The Government of India has taken many steps to improve the condition of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The Constitution of India has abolished untouchability. The Untouchability Offences Act was passed in 1955. This Act makes untouchability a punishable crime. Government has reserved seats in the Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assemblies and grants of stipends are given to them. The Government is using the mass media like television, radio and films, to educate the people against casteism.

Anti-Social Practices:

Some of the anti-social practices are bribery, corruption and smuggling. Bribery is called a white collar crime. Bribery usually occurs in connection with contracts, construction works, grant of licenses, purchase of land, etc. Bribing at all levels is a crime. Both the bribe giver and bribe taker are criminals. The Government of India has passed the Prevention of Corruption Act in 1947. The term corruption implies all illegal and anti-social activities. It also includes illegal gratification, misuse of power, undue influence in elections, etc. Smuggling is another anti-social activity. Gold, diamond, electric goods and drugs are mainly smuggled from foreign countries to India. Snake skins, crocodile skins, Pancha Loha idols, etc,. are smuggled from India to foreign countries. The Central Excise and Customs Departments are in charge of arresting these smugglers in order to prevent smuggling.

Growth of Population:

The rapid growth of population is one of the biggest obstacles to the progress of our country. Scientific advancements in medicine have lowered the death rate. Along with this higher birth rate also added to the increasing population. In 1951, our population was about 361 millions. In 1981, it was about 685 million. In 1991, it was about 843 millions and in 2001, it was about 1027 millions. India is considered to be the second most populous country. For the steady progress of our country the growth of population must be checked. As our resources are limited, over population will lead to poverty and unemployment. It will also lower standard of living.

The government is taking several measures to control over population by effective propaganda through mass media about family planning programmes, and spread of education particularly among women. Most educated people prefer to have a small family so as to have better standard of living.

Environment awareness:

The greatest impact of man on the environment is pollution. The balance of the eco system is delicate. Pollution affects not only air, water and land but also the organisms in the biosphere. When harmful substances contaminate the environment in large quantities, the eco system is unable to absorb them and the flow of energy form one sphere to another is distributed. This results in the breakdown of the balance in ecosystem and degradation of the environment. Air pollution and water pollution affect the environment. Some plants and animals have become extinct due to these environmental change. It has resulted in the depletion of resources. Man cannot live without progress. But he has to understand that progress does not mean the destruction of environment. He has to learn to live in harmony with the environment. He must try to maintain. He must try to maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

Human body has a control mechanism to fight diseases. It is called immune system. The white blood cells fight invaders successfully. But they fail when a virus called Human Immuno Deficiency Virus(HIV) enters into the human body. This virus destroys the immune system itself. If the immune system is weakened, the person may be affected by all kinds of inflations. Common infections like colds and flu may also become untreatable.

After getting the infection, the stage of AIDS may take anywhere from a few months to 10 or 15 years to develop. The person will not be aware of it and feels as healthy as anyone else. Once AIDS set in, the individual will be quite sick and death follows soon. There is no drug or vaccine to cure this disease.

Aliens exists on other planets


Titan’s Chemical Composition Offers Hints Of Life: Nasa Researchers

Scientists at US space agency Nasa have found vital clues to suggest that primitive aliens could be living on Titan, one of the Saturn’s biggest moons.

On the basis of chemical composition found on Titan’s surface, the experts believe that life forms have been breathing in the planet’s atmosphere and also feeding on its surface’s fuel. The research based on the analysis of data sent from Cassini probe has been detailed in two separate studies.

The first paper, in the journal Icarus, shows that hydrogen gas flowing throughout the planet’s atmosphere disappeared at the surface. This suggested that alien forms could breathe.

The second paper, in the Journal of Geophysical Research, concluded that there was lack of chemical on the surface as it had been possibly consumed by the living aliens, the Telegraph reported.

“We suggested hydrogen consumption because it’s the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan, similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth”, said Chris McKay, an astrobiologist working at Nasa. “ If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life, it would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth.”

Professor John Zarnecki, of the Open University, said: “We believe the chemistry is there for life to form. It just needs heat and warmth to kick-start the process. “In four billion years’ time, when the sun swells into a red giant, it could be paradise on Titan.”


Titan’s Chemical Composition Offers Hints Of Life: Nasa Researchers

Scientists at US space agency Nasa have found vital clues to suggest that primitive aliens could be living on Titan, one of the Saturn’s biggest moons.

On the basis of chemical composition found on Titan’s surface, the experts believe that life forms have been breathing in the planet’s atmosphere and also feeding on its surface’s fuel. The research based on the analysis of data sent from Cassini probe has been detailed in two separate studies.

The first paper, in the journal Icarus, shows that hydrogen gas flowing throughout the planet’s atmosphere disappeared at the surface. This suggested that alien forms could breathe.

The second paper, in the Journal of Geophysical Research, concluded that there was lack of chemical on the surface as it had been possibly consumed by the living aliens, the Telegraph reported.

“We suggested hydrogen consumption because it’s the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan, similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth”, said Chris McKay, an astrobiologist working at Nasa. “ If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life, it would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth.”

Professor John Zarnecki, of the Open University, said: “We believe the chemistry is there for life to form. It just needs heat and warmth to kick-start the process. “In four billion years’ time, when the sun swells into a red giant, it could be paradise on Titan.”


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Radar and its types


A variety of radars have been developed and they are classified based on
1. The signal transmitted.
2. The target of interest and
3. The frequency of operation.

Some of the commonly used radars are discussed as follows.


The radar transmitter transmits a continuous signal rather than a pulse one. The echo signal can be easily distinguished from the transmitted signal as there will be a shift in the frequency of the echo signal due to the DOPPLER EFFECT. Also, the echo signal’s strength is many times lower than the transmitted signal strength.
Using a CW radar, the relative velocity of a target can be determined. The drawback of a CW radar is that the range of the target cannot be determined.


The MTI radar transmits a train of electromagnetic pulses. This radar system is capable of distinguishing a moving target from the non-moving objects. The non-moving objects in atmosphere that intercept the transmitted signal and scatter it are called CLUTTER. Since there will not be any DOPPLER frequency shift from fixed targets, as there is no relative motion, they are easily identified from the moving target. The echo from the moving target has the varying frequencies due to DOPPLER EFFECT.


A tracking radar system locks on to a particular target, measures its coordinates and provides data from which the future course of the target can be predicted.
The tracking radar is similar to other radars except that the antenna beam of a tracking radar is made to look at the target always. This is achieved by a servomechanism activated by error signals. The error signals is obtained using several techniques, viz. sequential lobing, conical scan and simultaneous lobing.


Radar systems find their applications on the ground, in the air, on the sea and in space. The ground based radars have been used in the detection, location and tracking of aircraft or space targets. The shipboard radars are used to navigate the ships and to locate buoys, shorelines and other ships. They are also used to observe aircraft. The airborne radars are used to detect land vehicles, ships and aircraft. However, the principal application of airborne radar is for mapping of land storm avoidance and navigation. In space, radar is used for remote sensing purposes.

Megger(working principle)


Megger is the most portable insulation tester. It is used to remove very high resistances of the order of meg ohms.

The instrument works on the principle of ratiometer/ohmmeter. The required deflection torque is produced by both the system voltage and the current. Due to interaction between the magnetic fields produced by the voltage and the current, the deflecting torque is produced. The required coils are so positioned that the deflecting torque is proportional to the ratio, V/I.

It consists of
i. A small hand drives d.c. generator
ii. A moving element which has 2 coils, a deflecting coil (or current coil) and a controlling coil (or potential coil)
iii. Calibrated scale in mega ohms.
iv. Pointer and
v. Permanent Magnet.
The two coils are rigidly mounted at right angles to each other. They are connected to the small hand driven generator. The coils move in the air gap of a permanent magnet. To protect the coils under short circuit, a limiting resistor is connected in series with the coils.

Resistance to be measured is connected across the test terminals i.e. connected in series with the deflecting coil and across the generator. When currents are supplied to the coils, then they have torques in opposite directions.
If the resistance to be measured is high, no current will flow through the deflecting coil. The controlling coil will, therefore, set itself perpendicular to the magnetic axis and hence, sets the pointer at infinity.
If the resistance to be measured is small, a high current flow through the deflecting coil and the resulting torque sets the pointer to zero.
For intermediate values of resistances, depending upon the torque production, the pointer is set at a point between zero and infinity.
The hand driven generator is of permanent magnet type and it is designed to generate from 500 to 2500 volts.


FAX - Facsimile

This is a telecommunication service for the transmission and reception of picture information like photographs, drawing, weather maps, etc. The picture or any document to be transmitted is mounted on a cylinder and it is scanned by a photocell linked to the cylinder. The photocell produces an electrical analog signal as a voltage variation depending upon the intensity of the light and dark spots on the document. The electrical signal thus produced is converted into frequency variations and transmitted through a telephone line. At the receiving end, the frequency variations are converted back into corresponding voltage variations that is given to a plotter for reconstructing the original picture or document. Thus a photocopy of the original picture is obtained at a distance. Similar to a telephone signal, the FAX message also occupies a bandwidth of 4 kHz.


Computers have undergone revolutionary changes with the advent of integrated circuit technology. Before the appearance of these modern technologies, one of the most popular input devices was the CARD READER. The data to be fed into computer are punched on these cards using punching machines. Computer punch card is a special card of size of 7.5” x 3.25” x 0.007”. It has 12 rows and 80 columns. A special device called punching machine, whose key board is similar to the key board of modern computers, was used to punch data and information on the card. Each character punched will produce a unique set of holes, row-wise in the particular column where the character is punched. The advent of modern technologies has made cards and card readers obsolete.


For browsing on the internet, the following tools are available.
1. Who is – refers to identification of persons.
2. Finger – provides information like username, who has last logged in, how long his session had been idle, when he has viewed his last E-mail etc.
3. UU commands – information could be received about machines connected to Internet by UUCP (Unix to Unix copy).
UU Hosts – information is received about a particular site, who is responsible for it and what sort of UUCP connections it has with other sites.
UU Where – displays the path between the machine, the user is currently using and the site machine.
4. Gopher – Gopher is a software protocol designed to search, retrieve and display documents from remote sites on internet.
5. WAIS – Wide Area Information Service. It is a software protocol having the capability of searching more than one data line. The user has the provision of choosing the data for his requirement. Then he submits the query and gets the response for the query.
6. World Wide Web (WWW) – It is the most important aspect of Internet and has accelerated the growth of Internet. It is an easy to use, point and click graphical interface. It is highly interactive having graphics, text, sound and animation, etc. It is used as a market place, art gallery, library, community centre, school, publishing house, etc. There are search tools like web index and search engines to enable the information searches and discover them more effectively.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Singam newly updated stills

Surya's Stills from the movie Singam

Actor: Surya

Actress: Anushka

Director: Hari

Music: Harrish Jayaraj