Tuesday, June 1, 2010


An essay about the power of Knowledge

Desire for power is inherit in man. Thee love of power comes from the consciousness of man’s mental and moral superiority over other created things. It is instinctive, therefore, that man as superior being must control and dominate others. Again the awareness that all men are created unequal gives birth to the desire to rule and dominate others. The history of the world, so far as man is concerned, is a history of the struggle for power. Thus from the primitive wars of tribes and clans to the ruinous wars of today, there is only one idea behind these wars and that is the thirst for power.

Broadly speaking, power is of two kinds-physical and mental. Physical power is of the lower order as compared to the power of the mind. Primitive men mainly understood one kind of power and that was of the body. In the past the strength of the arms decided things and might alone was right. However, with the growth of civilization and the development of human mind, the mental power has its origin in knowledge.

When man first appeared on the earth he was no better than animals. He was also the beast of prey and was a helpless being, a victim of the wild beast and the hostile forces of nature. But God endowed him with an intelligent mind and ultimately came to his rescue. He discovered fire and learnt its uses and this knowledge of use of fire gave him power. Similarly, knowledge has achieved wonders in the world and given man mastery over many things.

All the great discoveries and inventions on which modern life is based are but the manifestations of the power of knowledge. The conquest of the forces of nature like water and electricity and harnessing of these forces for man’s use, have been made possible by the knowledge of physics. It is the knowledge of mechanics which has lessened distance, broken down the barriers between men and enabled men to realize the affinity of men all over the world. The epoch-making discovery of atomic energy has revolutionized the entire concept of future life of man on the earth. Today completely unheard strides made by man in the field of science are the results of the knowledge and perpetual search of wisdom combined with the hunger of power to rule and dominate.

In fact the development of art, science, culture and civilization, ultimately depends knowledge. Nature has yielded her mysteries to this power. It has made physical power and mental strength to one and the same. But knowledge has not only given man mental strength, it has taught how to utilize his physical strength in a better, surer and more and more disciplined and economic way.

Great ideas make great men and there is no trait more constant in human nature than his habit of pursuing a truth beyond its province. Hence balance is the cardinal virtue of good sense. Great as is the power of knowledge, the tendency to misuse is greater. Knowledge is inclined to fill us with pride and thus stake its real blessings. The need is to translate knowledge into wisdom, for knowledge is proud and wisdom is humble. It is only when we have realized this that we understand the significance of knowledge that is power, and get the desire to acquire that knowledge which enable us to find truth. We must pursue knowledge to its utmost for, ‘Half knowledge is a dangerous thing; Drink deep or taste not the perennial spring’.

This essay is useful for 7th, 8th and 9th std students)



• Don’t you receive signal properly?
• Do you have difficulties in charging mobiles during travel
• Do you want to connect mobile phones to TeleVision
• Do you need a charger suitable for all models

Don’t you receive signal properly?

Are you forced to run outside when a call comes due to signal problems? Signal Booster has come to resolve this problem. This is New Jen-X Plus Signal Booster. It is enough to stick a Signal Booster Sticker at the back of your mobile. When you receive a call, it will boost up the signal. Almost it is available for all the modal including Nokia.

Cost: Rs. 129
Available At: Ritchie Street, Chennai

Do you have difficulties in charging mobiles during travel?

Your mobile battery may lose the charge during travel and you may suffer to charge again. A very very useful mobile accessory has come to the market now. It is nothing other than Travel Charger AC-4. The leading mobile company Nokia launched this equipment.
This is suitable for all the Nokia modals.

Cost: Rs. 300
Available At: Univercel and Poorvika shoppes

Do you want to connect mobile phones to TeleVision?

Do you wish to see all the videos, pictures in your TeleVision? An Accessory is available now…

Nokia’s TV-OUT Cable CA-75U. With this, you can connect your mobiles to your television and view the items in the mobiles easily. Not only for Nokia modals, this cable is now available for all the modals.

Cost: Rs. 275
Available At: Univercel, WaveTel

Do you want a charger suitable for all modals?

Usually, Charges are available for a particular modal or three or three particular modals. A charger suitable for one modal will not be suitable for another modal. Here is a charger suitable for all modals. This is TSM UNIVERSAL CHARGER. It consists of Six types of pins and a car charger. Any type of Mobiles can be charged with this charger.

Cost: Rs. 500
Available At: Almost all the mobile shoppes

(For images, please visit www.mobileulagam.com )



The contamination of food materials with low quality, cheap, toxic substances is called food adulteration.

What are the ways by which adulteration is affected?

Adulteration is done in the following ways:

a) Addition of inferior substances and poisonous substances
b) Insect infestation
c) Extraction of superior ingredients from the food
d) Addition of coloring matter not permitted by regulations.

What is an Adulterant?
The substance which degrades(or lowers) the quality of a food material is called an adulterant. The adulterants are much cheaper than the concerned foodstuffs. So, selling adulterated food materials can bring a lot of easy money for the dishonest trader, but at the cost of many lives.

Test to detect adulteration in food

Since food adulteration is a serious matter and concerns us all, so we should know how to detect adulteration in the commonly used food items like butter, ghee, edible oil, dals(pulses) and milk. This is discussed below.

1. To detect the presence of vanaspati in ghee or butter

Take 5ml of ghee or butter in a test tube and add 5 ml of conc. HCL and a small amount of sugar. Shake the test tube well. Appearance of a deep red colour in the lower layer shows the presence of vanaspati in ghee.

2. To detect the presence of starch in milk and butter

A small amount of iodine is added to the adulterated sample. The appearance of the colour shows the presence of starch in the sample.

3. To detect the presence of chicory powder in coffee powder

Take equal volumes of conc. HCl and coffee decotion in a test tube and heat for few minutes. Then, add small quantity of seliwonoff reagent. The red colour formed shows the concentration of chicory powder mixed.

4. To detect the presence of argemone oil in edible oil

Take 5 ml of edible oil in a test tube and add some conc. HNO3 to it. Shake the test tube carefully and observe the colour of the lower layer(the acid layer). Appearance of a reddish-brown in the acid layer shows the presence of argemone oil in the edible oil.

5. To detect the presence of metanil yellow in dal

Take about 5 grams of dal in a test tube and then add about 5 ml of water. Shake the test tube well. Then add a few drops of conc. HCl to the test tube. Appearance of a pink colour in the solution shows the presence of metanil yellow in dal.

6. To test the presence of water in milk

When pure milk is adulterated by mixing water, then its viscosity decreasing that is, it becomes very thin and flows easily on a surface. This fact can be used in testing the presence of water in milk, as follows:

Take a drop of the milk sample on a glass plate and hold the glass plate vertically.

a) If the drop if milk either keeps sticking to the glass plate or flows down slowly, leaving behind a white trail, then the milk sample is pure.
b) If the milk drop run down quickly on the glass plate, leaving no white trail, then the milk has been diluted with water.
