Soon, the number of people using mobile phones in India is on to override 1 crore. So, the Communication department has planned to introduce 11 digits numbers to overcome the shortage of the numbers.
Presently, 10 digits numbers are given for the mobile phones in India. This is suitable only for 100 crore connections. But, it is calculated that viewing the speed of increase in the number of pupils using cell phones, 100 crore pupils will be having cell phones in their hands by 2014.
Hence, TROY has given the idea to all the mobile service companies to change from 10 digits numbers to 11 digits numbers.
But, due to the reason that it will take much cost for 11 digits numbers, the mobile service companies did not come to a perfect decision.
But, it is the fact that 11 digits numbers are very much needed. The companies soon will take a positive decision and bring the system of 11 digit numbers.
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