Friday, June 11, 2010


India on Mar 18, 1974 conducted its first nuclear explosion in Pokharan, Rajasthan. After a gap of 24 years India again conducted two atomic explosions on 11th and 13th May, 1998. on May 11th, through explosion, India experimented an atomic-fission device, a low-yield device and a thermo-nuclear device and emerged as the first country conducting these three experiments in one explosion. The second explosion of 13th May, ’98 was mainly intended to collect details for conducting an explosion in the computer simulation method. Both explosions were successful and India emerged as a strong member among the atomic nations.

The atomic explosions conducted by India invited pro and anti reactions from India and abroad. Some people are of opinion that a developing country like India is wasting crores of rupees in the preparations of bombs and atomic weapons. But this argument cannot be accepted. The authorities have clearly indicated that India will use its atomic power only for peaceful purposes and defence.

When our neighbours are not friendly, and when they are accumulation weapons for defence purposes India can not sit idle. We must also be prepared to guard ourselves when danger is threatening us. The explosions made recently can be taken as a warning to those neighbours who are not friendly and co-operative.

India’s aim through the atomic experiments is the formation of a comprehensive atomic system. The three devices such as the fission device, the low yield device and the thermo nuclear device were experimented together and its success is a great leap in the progress of atomic power. India is the only country successfully completing these three devices simultaneously. If the plan of India is to make atom bombs, India should not have conducted these three experiments. To make a bomb similar to that exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, India doesn’t need all the technical know-how which India possesses today. The experiments conducted by India through the explosions clearly show that we are not interested in making crude bombs. We are aiming at a believable atomic weapon system as well as a powerful defence mechanism.

We have developed long range missiles of high quality like Prithvi and Agni. These are better than the bombers for the defence purposes. Now through the success in the experiments conducted by the nuclear explosions, India can equip the latest missiles more safely and successfully. In other words, the result of these atomic explosions will clearly set a strong missile system for the defence purposes. The knowledge gained from these explosions can be used in the other fields of Science and technology too.

In this modern world, where dangers through neighbours cannot be predicted, every nation should guard themselves. For this, use of atomic power and the related technologies cannot be blamed. But it should not be used for attacks or destructive purposes. There are so many peaceful uses of this power. All nations should understand the dangers of atomic power misuse and subsequent disasters. The proposed comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is to aim at this direction. But the provisions adopted in the treaty is beneficial for those countries who have stocked enough atomic weapons already. This is the main objection of India in signing the treaty. An atomic Test Ban Treaty is appreciable for a peaceful life. But that should be prepared as per the satisfaction and approval of all nations concerned.

Any way in a fast developing modern world all countries should take care to see that they are self sufficient in all matters. They should move pace to pace with other countries. The developing countries like India should work hard to attain this goal. In this hectic run, we have to take help form various forces and modern technologies. The help we plan to receive from the atomic experiments must also be considered in that way. This is an important leap to safety and prosperity.

(This essay is suitable for 7th, 8th and 9th std students)


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